HoD News - 6 October 2023

Niels Haldrup
Head of Department Niels Haldrup

Dear all,

External funding applications

I want to thank our colleagues who have been busy preparing applications this autumn for calls to AUFF NOVA, the Carlsberg Foundation and the Independent Research Fund Denmark's current calls.  As I have mentioned before, securing external funding is essential for the economy of the department. I appreciate your efforts.

New staff websites

In the coming weeks, AU is replacing the Pure personal websites with a more up-to-date design. The staff websites are a central platform for you and our department, as they give the outside world insight into your work - research, teaching and other collaboration and/or consultancy activities.

During week 41, you will receive a direct e-mail from AU IT with further information about the transition to the new design and any points of attention.

The new design will be rolled out in week 44. Before the new staff websites go online, you will receive more information regarding the necessary adjustments that need to be made on the new pages. In this connection, it is important to note that Pure will still be used for registering publications.

Read more about the new staff websites and have a look at the new design here: New staff websites on the way.

Head of department opening

As you know, the head of department position will be vacant from 1 March 2024. The position is now advertised with deadline for applications 23 October 2023. It is expected that a decision about the new head of department will be made before Christmas.

I wish you all a good weekend.
