
The ECON Administration is organised in five main areas:  

Department administration

  • Office allocation
  • HR (hiring/resignation – system entering/removing, submission, personnel data editor)
  • Introduction of new employees
  • Recording of absenteeism (sickness and holidays)
  • Updating the faculty and staff list (web)
  • Submission/recommendations to foundations and awards (information to the relevant persons, keep to deadlines)
  • Secretary to the head of department and the head of secretariat
  • Web page and staff portal
  • Newsletters
  • Information screens
  • Ordering IT equipment
  • Exelsior
  • Planning of meetings for the head of department + minutes
  • Planning of department events, incl. alumni lunch and faculty party
  • Recruitment events (e.g. gymnasielærerdag)
  • Welcoming guests
  • Assisting employees and guests in practical matters
  • Ordering office supplies, paper etc.
  • Contact to suppliers (flowers, coffee machines etc.)
  • Support for printers and copying machines
  • Mail (mail room)
  • Newspapers (incl. subscription)

 See who to contact below (under 'Assignment allocation').    

Section administration

  • Support to the head of section:  economy, section meetings, planning and administration of Staff Development Dialogues (MUS) (incl. follow-up on VIPs’ CV-updates)
  • Support to the section council    
  • Language revision
  • Conferences and workshops
  • Support to research groups and centres (incl. minutes, web page)
  • Assist employees and guests in practical matters
  • PURE
  • Travel booking
  • Settlement of travel expenses
  • Administration of research projects
  • Order books in relation to research (books in relation to teaching must be ordered by the study administrators)
  • Ad hoc

Study administration

  • HA/BSc – CM/MSc – HD – Oecon/Soc/Math-Econ/Public Policy and Econ/Winter School/Summer School
  • Support to HA/BSc and CM/MSc coordinators, directors of studies, head of education
  • Study related events, e.g. IMSQE events, recruitment
  • External examiners and instructors (salary, settlement)
  • Part-time lecturers and instructors (hiring, expiry etc.)
  • Teaching evaluations
  • Exelsior
  • Study trips (students, student associations)
  • Study spaces (for Master's theses writers)
  • Order books in relation to teaching (books in relation to research must be ordered by one of the research secretaries of your section)

See the list of study administrators here

PhD administration

  • Programme administration for PhD students 
  • Approval of funding and pre-approval of external PhD courses
  • PhD defences
  • PhD courses
  • Support to the PhD Programme Chair, Helena Skyt Nielsen

Susanne Christensen handles general administration of the PhD programme at the department. 

Research support for PhD students is handled by the research secretaries of the individual PhD student's academic section. Find your section here.

Data management

  • Administration of ECONAU’s data resources for register research: Maintenance of data infrastructure, data validation, data cleaning, and organizing registers, process and data documentation.
  • Surveillance and optimization of ECONAU server resources.
  • Administration of researchers’ data access: Establishment of new users, legal agreements (data processor and affiliation agreements).
  • Establishment of new research projects: Data management, consulting and practical guidance when establishing new register research projects or updating existing projects.
  • Register data and information security: Security course for new register data users, yearly audit according to guidelines of the Danish Data Protection Act and GDPR.
  • Participating in the Danish Network of Data Managers and in the ECONAU Steering Group.

Assignment allocation

  • Head of administration  

Study administration:

  • BSc Economics (Oecon)
  • BSc Public Policy
  • Bachelor's projects BA Business Administration (SOC)
  • Support to the director of studies, Oecon

  • PA to the head of department

Annia Hoffmeyer

Study Administrative Coordinator

Study administration:

  • HD, 1st part – ECON courses
  • CM/MSc International Economic Consulting
  • Support to the head of secretariat
  • Support to the deputy head of department and head of MSc programmes
  • Language revision

Berit Hansen

Study Administrator

Study administration:

  • HA/BScB Finance
  • CM/MSc Finance
  • CM/MSc Finance and International Business
  • Data Science - Bachelor's projects and Master's theses
  • Mathematics-Economics (MatØk) - Bachelor's projects and Master's theses
  • HD - supplementary course: Finance
  • Language revision

Betina Sørensen

Administrative Coordinator
  • Recording of absenteeism (sickness and holidays)
  • Introduction of new employees
  • Access cards
  • Language revision
  • Administration of Danish courses for international employees at the Department
  • Coordination/planning of the HD Graduation Ceremony
  • Coordination/planning of social events at the Department

  • Communication:
    • website 
    • staff portal
    • newsletters
    • SoMe 
    • information screens
    • etc.
  • Language revision

  • HR:
    - Hirings and resignations (incl. system entering/removing, submission, personnel data editor)
    - Office allocation
  • Exelsior
  • Purchase of furniture
  • Coordination/planning of social events at the Department
  • Support for printers and copying machines

Study administration:

  • HA/BScB Economics
  • HD-Business, 2nd part - ECON courses
  • MBA - ECON courses
  • Support to the director of studies, HA/BSc
  • Instructor hiring - HA/BSc
  • Language revision

Gitte Isager

Study Administrator

Study administration:

  • HA/BScB Econometrics and Business Statistics
  • CM/MSc Business Intelligence
  • CM/MSc Operations and Supply Chain Analytics
  • Language revision

  • The ECONAU data ressource for register-based research
  • Data access of users
  • Research project set-up
  • Information security

Study administration:

  • MSc Economics (Oecon)
  • Support to the director of studies, Oecon
  • Language revision

  • Section administration: Economics (Bo Sandemann Rasmussen)
  • Research secretary to the Research Centre for Firms and Industry Dynamics (FIND) 
  • Language revision    

  • Section administration: Economics (Bo Sandemann Rasmussen)
  • Research secretary to TrygFonden’s Centre for Child Research  
  • Language revision

  • Section administration: Finance (Thomas Kokholm)
  • Language revision

  • Section administration: Econometrics and Business Analytics (Allan Würtz)
  • Language revision

  • PhD administration
  • Support to the PhD programme chair
  • DGPE administration

  • The ECONAU data ressource for register-based research
  • Data access of users
  • Research project set-up
  • Information security
  • WorkZone

  • Exelsior
  • Teaching evaluations
  • Study spaces (for Master’s thesis writers)
  • Study trips (students, student associations)
  • IMSQE - mentors etc.
  • Instructor hiring - Oecon    
  • Newspapers
  • Mail room
  • Office supplies
  • Coding of access cards
  • Language revision