From 25 February, it will be time to conduct another workplace assessment at AU – known as a WPA. Here you can read more about the…
Jonas Maibom, Bastian Schulz, Hongyan Li, Jackie M.L. Chan and Allan Würtz from the Department of Economics and Business Economics…
Det er med stor sorg, at vi modtog beskeden om Carsten Tanggaards alt for tidlige død fredag den 15. november 2024, efter at han i…
Title: Carbon Pricing and Fuel Switching by Firms: Theory and Evidence
Title: Statistical Properties of Deep Neural Networks with Dependent Data
Title: What Drives Beliefs about Climate Risks? Evidence from Financial Analysts
Title: To Cap or Not to Cap? Energy Crises in a Currency Union
Title: Automatic Debiased Machine Learning of Structural Parameters with General Conditional Moments
Preventing and dealing with stress
Preventing and dealing with offensive behaviour