DGPE PhD course: Historical Perspectives on Current Economics Issues: Big Data and Applications
11-22 August 2025. Lecturers: Christopher M. Meissner et al
Info about event
Department of Economics, University of Southern Denmark
This year, the course will feature Christopher M. Meissner from the University of California, Davis, a leading economic historian on trade, tariffs, and globalization in the nineteenth and twentieth century. The course will explore the impact of historical tariffs and the incentives that shaped globalization in the nineteenth and twentieth century. It will also include an in-depth introduction to new methods in machine learning, processing big data, and causal inference.
Please follow these links:
- Information: https://www.sdu.dk/en/forskning/forskningsenheder/samf/hedg/events/phd_summer_school
- Registration: https://www.tilmeld.dk/phd2025/