HoD News - 24 September 2018

Dear colleagues,

The season for new job openings at the department is approaching, and we will have job openings at all levels. At the department’s webpage, you can see a list of our job openings: Job openings

Professor openings have already been announced within the field of Business Economics with application deadline on 31 October 2018. At NCRR there will be professor openings later this fall within the fields covered by the centre.

At the assistant professor and post doctoral levels, the department has announced “search”-calls at the EconJobMarket and JOE, Job Openings for Economists, listed by the American Economic Association. The search calls covering a range of focused fields are intended to identify job market candidates that the department will interview at the European Job Market organized by the European Economic Association in Naples 6-7 December 2018 and at the AEA-ASSA job market meeting in Atlanta 4-6 January 2019. The department will also interview potential job market candidates within the fields of Accounting as well as Operations Research at field specific conferences in Madrid and Phoenix AZ during November.

We have a significant number of junior job positions to fill, many of which are funded by external funds. It would be great if we could recruit nationally as well as internationally for these positions. Internal candidates are invited to apply via the official call, which will be announced in early January with application deadline around 21 January 2019.

Associate professor openings will be announced within the next few weeks with deadline 3 December 2018. The associate professor openings will cover all Economics and Business Economics disciplines.

I have now finished more than 20 meetings (out of 30+ meetings) with junior faculty members (assistant professors and post docs) to discuss their career plans amongst other things. These meetings have made it clear to me that there is a need to provide more transparent guidelines within the department regarding qualification for tenured positions. Giving exact directions for tenure qualification is difficult within a department that covers such a broad range of disciplines. In the coming months I will thus be working on a document to update the recruitment and promotion policy of the department and to provide guidelines for necessary (but not sufficient) conditions to be met to achieve a positive tenure assessment. This document will be discussed broadly in various fora within the department including the management team, LSU, the Departmental Forum, and the ECON committee for employee involvement.


Niels Haldrup