Registration of research

New research must be registered in the system PURE. In PURE you can also register your research activities.

Every year in January comes the deadline for reporting publications in Pure. Please make sure to check the following:

  • Have all your publications been submitted in Pure?
  • Have any of your publications changed publication status since submission?
  • Is the categorization of your publications in terms of publication type ('research', 'communication', 'commissioned' and 'education') correct?
  • Is the categorization of your publications in terms of peer-review (‘peer reviewed’, ‘not peer-reviewed’) correct?
  • Is the Open Access status correct for relevant publications?

AU's key figures, BFI points, and results in the Open Access Indicator are based on validated publications in Pure.

Please contact the secretary of your section if you have any questions regarding Pure.

Read more about reporting publications in Pure and why it is important to meet the deadline

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In PURE or Quick Editor you can also update your personal homepage, add a photo of yourself and you can create your own CV - Read more about how to update your personal homepage