Physical working environment

Indoor climate

The indoor climate is an important part of the overall working environment. A good indoor climate with an appropriate temperature and clean, fresh air has a positive impact on your well-being. A poor indoor climate, however, may cause discomfort, headache and concentration problems.

Read more about guidance in relation to indoor climate, ergonomics, light etc. via AU HR's webpage:

Indoor climate

Screen glasses

Staff members at Aarhus University working in front of a computer on a regular basis are entitled to an eye test and possibly screen glasses if it is deemed necessary.

Read more at AU HR's webpage about how to obtain screen glasses via the link below. The link is to the Danish version of the webpage as it contains more details - press English in the upper right corner for the English version.

Fill in the form that can be found via the link below and send it to Head of Secretariat Anja Zimmerdahl for approval.

Screen glasses

Working from home - Working station

AU HR's webpage describes the rules according to the Danish Working Environment Act in relation to working stations at home. The webpage is in Danish - please contact the research assistant of your section if you need help translating it. 

Working station at home

Who to contact

If you experience problems with your physical working environment, you are welcome to contact the Department's work environment representative