We need your research, your experience and your ideas!

Aarhus University is holding the Festival of Research on Friday 25 April at 13.00–18.00. The theme this year is FOOD IN THE FUTURE. Would you like to present your field of research ‘at eye level’ for the general public in and around Aarhus, and make the day a fun and informative experience?

Aarhus University is holding the Festival of Research at Campus Aarhus on Friday 25 April at 13.00–18.00. The theme this year is FOOD IN THE FUTURE. The event will take place in Building S (building 2610), Fuglesangs Allé 4 (the former School of Business).

We would like to invite you to present your field of research ‘at eye level’ for the general public in and around Aarhus, and make the day a fun and informative experience. For this purpose, we will use the foyer area in Building S and the surrounding lecture theatres for a range of interesting presentations of research at Aarhus University.

We need your research, your experience and your ideas!
The umbrella theme for this year’s Festival of Research at Aarhus University is global challenges. Under the theme of FOOD IN THE FUTURE, we encourage a comprehensive and varied presentation of research fields – preferably innovative and interdisciplinary – from all the main academic areas. Examples of such fields are stem cells and artificial food, functional food, food and identity, lifestyle diseases, climate-sustainable food, food trends, foods for thought, and the healthy, new Nordic diet, as well as more peripheral and somewhat offbeat topics related to food and food products.

We take care of all the practical stuff
The working group is in charge of the planning and practical work involved in holding the Festival of Research. As a researcher, you are only expected to take part with your own academic contribution on the day itself – 25 April – in an activity such as a speed lecture (short presentation of max. 20 minutes), experiment, workshop, exhibition or other initiative. As mentioned above, you are welcome to think in an interdisciplinary way, which includes setting up a panel debate or workshop cutting across the fields of research, for example. If you also have any good ideas regarding other forms of activities, these are most welcome.

Registration for the Festival of Research 2014
If you are interested in presenting your field of research at Aarhus University on 25 April, please send this registration form to Søren Rask, AU Communication by Monday 3 March 2014 at the latest. PLEASE include a catchy heading for your activity.

Festival of Research at other Aarhus University locations
There will be events at some of Aarhus University’s other locations, such as Roskilde, Årslev and Foulum, in addition to the event at Campus Aarhus.

More information
The Festival of Research is a nationwide science event launched by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation in 2005. The event will be held throughout Denmark on 24–26 April 2014.

If you have any questions about the practical side of holding the event, you are very welcome to contact Søren Rask and Charlotte Boel, AU Communication. There will be regular updates at au.dk/fdintern and you will be sent practical information by e-mail.

Kind regards

Søren Rask and Charlotte Boel
Project Managers for the Festival of Research at AU Campus Aarhus
srj@adm.au.dk / cbo@adm.au.dk
+45 8715 3056 / 8715 3038