New centre at the Department from next year

The Department has been given assurance of external funding of DKK 15 million from the Tuborg Foundation. This means that as of 2013 the Department will host a new centre entitled “The Tuborg Research Centre for Globalisation and Firms”. The director of the new centre will be Philipp Schröder. The new centre will conduct research within the area of international economics and international business, mapping out the performance of exporters and international firms as well as the policies surrounding globalization.

The predecessor of the new centre is the DKK 6 million research project entitled ‘Made in Denmark anno 2050’ which various researchers at our department contributed to and which was also funded by the Tuborg Foundation

The grant from the Tuborg Foundation comes as a DKK 3 million per year grant for a 5-year period and a 100 % match finance from AU, resulting in a total centre budget of DKK 30 million.