Large grant for new research in the well-being of children and youth

Two BSS researchers and TrygFonden’s Centre for Child Research awarded 20 million kr. to evaluate children and youth programs

Researchers at TrygFonden’s Centre for Child Research have started the year on a high note with new large grants to support evidence research. The grants were awarded by TrygFonden as part of a DKK 40 million grant window earmarked for research that strengthens the evidence base for social, educational and crime preventing policies in Denmark.

Anna Piil Damm, associate professor in economics, received DKK 5.4 million to measure the effects of inclusive school policies that combine learners from different social and ethnic backgrounds into mixed classrooms. The study will evaluate both positive and negative effects on learners’ school outcomes, wellbeing and social relations.

Marianne Simonsen, professor in economics, received DKK 6.8 million to measure and compare the effects of three interventions to prepare and support expecting and new parents in Region Midt, Odense and Aarhus. The project seeks to generate more robust knowledge about the comparative effectiveness of these popular programmes on strengthening parental competences and child wellbeing.

The latest grants build on the DKK 60 million grant that Aarhus University received from TrygFonden to establish TrygFonden’s Centre for Child Research in 2013.

TrygFonden’s Centre for Child Research also received an additional DKK 8 million to launch a new training and executive education programme. Led by the centre’s executive director, Kamilla Gumede, the programme aims to make policymakers better users of research based evidence.