Chief executives gathered at Oecon Conference at Aarhus University

On Saturday 29 September 2012, the Oecon Conference 2012 took place at Aarhus University, where Danish and international chief executives and economists gathered to discuss this year's topic: "Globalization and Growth".

Global co-operation and the wish for growth were on the agenda at this year's Oecon Conference. Globalization can pose a threat to the growth and competitiveness of Danish companies, but above all, the development involves plenty of opportunities: New markets, access to capital, possibilities for co-operation and new methods of production.

The conference brought attention to the challenges and opportunities of globalization – and the keynote speakers tried to be operational, pointing forward in terms of what can be done to position Denmark and Danish companies and organizations in the global economy, both in the political arena and in the individual company.  

Christian Motzfeldt, CEO of Vækstfonden, comments:

- As CEO of a major company, focus will always be on arousing an interest in the business and thereby generating a profit for the company. The Oecon Conference is an excellent forum for reaching out to a professional circle and thus creating an interest in the work that Vækstfonden does in addition to providing new inspiration and knowledge. 

However, the conference is not only a professional community but also a social community where alumni meet, regardless of graduation year and workplace: 

- The Oecon Conference provides a unique opportunity for professional updating and discussions with other MScs in Economics and Management, regardless of graduation year and workplace. It gives a broad insight, which is why I gladly spend one Saturday every year after the summer holidays at the university in order to find inspiration. It is both professionally and socially stimulating, says Steen Olesen, chairman of the board of the Oecon Association. 

At the conference, the SEB award was granted to this year's newly graduated MSc in Economics and Management: Kasper Vinther Olesen. 

See the conference programme at