Outlook calendar

As a rule, all ECON employees must follow the AU-guidelines for Outlook calendar settings, which means that your calendar must be open (with some restrictions).

You can find the AU guidelines and instructions here: How to use the Outlook calendar

The calendar setup for all employees ensures that the following information is visible to your AU colleagues:

  • Free/Busy
  • Time
  • Subject
  • Location

If you do not want others to be able to see a specific meeting/appointment, you should mark it as ‘private’.

Remember to put planned activities in your Outlook calendar, e.g., if you are working remotely/from home or if you are out of office, e.g., on a conference/meeting/travel.

Set up an automatic reply

It is expected that you can be reached by e-mail. If you are unable to respond to e-mails for a longer period, e.g., due to holiday or other long-term absence, you should set up an automatic reply.

Synchronize with timetable.au.dk

It is possible to synchronize your Outlook calendar with timetable.au.dk, so your scheduled teaching activities automatically appear in your calendar. When you synchronize, changes to room, time and date will automatically update in your calendar.

How to sync your timetable with your AU calendar

Use the notice board outside your office

Writing a message on the small notice board outside your office when you are out of office for one day or more is helpful to your colleagues, so they do not go in vain several times.  Exceptions: unplanned absence, e.g., short-term sickness.