Funding - PhD students

As a PhD student, you can apply for funding for external PhD courses, conferences and your mandatory research stay abroad. Additionally, limited funding is available for books, datasets, and apps that are directly related to your PhD project or teaching responsibilities.

If you wish to apply for funding, send an email to Susanne Christensen ( with relevant details:

  1. Conference or workshop
    • title of the event including dates
    • estimated expenses (e.g. conference fee, travel, accommodation, allowances)
    • URL link to the event and the title of your paper, including the names of any co-authors (if applicable)
  2. External PhD course
    • title of the course including dates
    • estimated expenses (e.g., course fee fee, travel, accommodation, allowances)
    • URL link to the course
  3. Other expenses (e.g., submission fees, books, software, research stay abroad)
    • estimated expenses
  4. Total amount in DKK

You cannot commit to any expenses until you have received a response to your email.