Two PhD Students from the Department invited to the Prestigious IZA@DC Young Scholars Program

For the second year in a row IZA (Institute for the Study of Labor) hosts a workshop in Washington DC aimed at young scholars, the IZA@DC Young Scholar Program.

Only 10 PhD students from around the world are invited to participate and this year two PhD students from the Department of Economics and Business have been so lucky to get accepted, Jonas Maibom Pedersen and Tine Mundbjerg Eriksen.

Before them is a very exciting and dense program, lasting from September 22th to September 27th.

They have been asked to schedule individual appointments with IZA fellows in Washington, which means that they will visit researches at the universities, the World Bank, etc. in Washington.

Each day two of the PhD students will have lunch with one of the invited professors attending the workshop. Tine will meet with Janet Currie, and Jonas with Joseph Altonji. Afterwards there will be a session where two PhD students present their work. This will be followed by a collective meeting with one of the professors, and each day will finish with that professor giving a seminar at Georgetown University.

The invited professors who attend this year will be: Janet Currie, Joseph G. Altonji, Martin Ravallion, David Autor and Georges J. Borjas along with organizer Francis Vella. Thus it is going to be an intimate setting where the PhD students will be able to get invaluable feedback on their research, hopefully making good contacts at places such as the World Bank and universities around the world as well as, of course, making excellent advertisement for Aarhus University.