Towards an institutional accreditation

Following an amendment in the Danish Accreditation Act (akkrediteringsloven) in 2013, new degree programmes and courses will not be accredited individually in future. Instead, Aarhus University as an institution needs to gain accreditation.

During the coming year, the task of gaining institutional accreditation will involve a great number of staff at Aarhus University.

In order to give the staff involved and other interested parties a clear overview of the process, a homepage has now been set up to provide links to relevant guidelines, a list of working groups, and FAQs. The homepage will be expanded on an ongoing basis.

Facts about institutional accreditation

  • The new Danish Accreditation Act came into force on 1 July 2013 and means that institutional accreditation is to replace the accreditation of each individual degree programme.
  • AU is taking part in the first round of institutional accreditation, which gives responsibility for the quality assurance and development of degree programmes to entire institutions and their managements.
  • In order to achieve accreditation, AU must demonstrate that we have an effective quality assurance system and a strong culture of quality.
  • Maria-Christina Sørensen (AU Studies Administration, Udviklings- og projektstab) is the programme manager for institutional accreditation.