The Oecon Award 2015 - New Deadline

A new call for recommendations for the Oecon Award 2015 has been sent out. The deadline has been extended till 4 September 2015 at 12 noon. In particular, Master’s thesis advisors are urged to consider students who graduated between the summer of 2014 and now (including students whose theses may currently be under review).

The prize will be awarded by LEGO and the Oecon Association to a newly graduated cand.oecon. who has contributed to the creation of an inspiring and strong study environment and influenced the studies in a positive way through academic as well as social initiatives.

Besides being a fine student, the award winner is expected to be active within the study environment, e.g. within Økonomisk Forening, student policy work, Aiesec, Ø, establishing a new association or other sort of commitment at the Department of Economics and Business Economics. Furthermore, the award winner is expected to show academic involvement and must possess the competences expected of a cand.oecon. and must be considered a fine ambassador for the programme.

The prize comes with a grant of DKK 20,000

Fellow students and academic staff members may nominate candidates. In particular, Master’s thesis advisors are urged to consider students who graduated between the summer of 2014 and now (including students whose theses may currently be under review).

Please hand in your reasoned recommendation in a sealed envelope to Birgitte Højklint Nielsen at the Department of Economics and Business Economics, Fuglesangs Allé 4, bldg. 2632(L), office 225, 8210 Aarhus V.

The new deadline is: 4 September 2015 at 12 noon.

The committee chosen to evaluate the recommendations is:

  • Managing Director Morten Amtrup, chairman
  • Managing Director Susanne Møllegaard
  • Professor Michael Svarer

The Oecon Award will be presented to the cand.oecon. graduate of the year at the Oecon Conference, which gathers alumni of economics from Aarhus BSS every year on the last Saturday of September.