Anders Bredahl Kock wins the Golden Pointer 2017

Anders Bredahl Kock has been awarded lecturer of the year at Department of Economics and Business Economics by the Oecon/Soc students and received the much-coveted Golden Pointer.

The students compliment Anders for his intriguing and lively lectures, for his motivation, commitment and high spirits when lecturing, for being attentive, and for his sense of relevance and ability to express himself clearly.

The other nominees for the Golden Pointer were: Alexander Koch, Bo Sandemann Rasmussen, Tom Engsted, Niels Strange Grønborg.

The Golden Pointer was introduced in 1990 and has been a tradition at the Department ever since. The prize is meant as a positive recognition from the Oecon/Soc students at the Department. All Oecon/Soc students at the Department may submit a reasoned nomination, and Oeconrådet then selects the winner based on the number of nominations – with specific emphasis on the students’ written recommendations.