Business Analytics PhD Seminar: Alexander Ingemann Lindhardt
Title: Solving the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem using Logic-Based Benders Decomposition
Info about event
Fuglesangs Allé 4, Building 2632(L), Room 242
Presenter: Alexander Ingemann Lindhardt
Title: Solving the Capacitated Arc Routing Problem using Logic-Based Benders Decomposition
Main supervisor: Sanne Wøhlk
Discussant: Jens Lysgaard
A PhD seminar is part of the mandatory 1st or 3rd year presentations for PhD students. The time is extended to one hour: 40 minutes for the PhD student, 5-10 minutes for the discussant, and 10-15 minutes for questions. The PhD seminar is hosted by the PhD student’s main supervisor.
Organisers: Surabhi Verma and Hartanto Wong
See all Business Analytics Seminars