Aarhus Workshop on Known and Unknown Unknowns

The theme of the conference is recent developments in modeling decision-making under uncertainty, ambiguity, and unawareness.

Info about event


Thursday 6 July 2023, at 09:00 - Friday 7 July 2023, at 13:00


Harvard - Building 2626

The theme of the conference is recent developments in modeling decision-making under uncertainty, ambiguity, and unawareness. The focus is on novel approaches to modelling beliefs, preferences and updating in general settings, and applications of these approaches to economics and finance. Talks cover a variety of topics. Some address foundational questions: How can states be constructed from data sets? How can awareness/unawareness be elicited from choices? How do conditional preferences evolve under growing awareness? Other talks address problems relevant for applied economists such as the design of incentive-compatible mechanisms under asymmetric awareness, the revelation principle under unawareness,  the CAPM-model with unawareness, backward-induction reasoning under cognitive bounds etc.

The conference involves no financial transactions: there is no registration fee (though registration will be required for our head count), and, unfortunately, we cannot offer any reimbursement for travel or accommodation expenses.  

Organizers: Adam Dominiak and Marie-Louise Vierø

Adam Dominiak, Aarhus University

Ani Guerdjikova, Université Grenoble Alpes

Burkhard Schipper, University of California, Davis

Edi Karni, Johns Hopkins University

Evan Piermont, Royal Holloway, University of London

John Quiggin, University of Queensland

Mamoru Kaneko, Waseda University

Marie-Louise Vierø, Aarhus University

Nicola Pavoni, Bocconi University

Scott Condie, Brigham Young University

Simon Grant, Australian National University