Mail and newspapers

Mail room

The Department's mail room is in 2620(A)-03. Please inform Thomas Stephansen: if the name on your shelf needs to be corrected.

Outgoing mail is picked up from our mail room Monday-Thursday at 15:00, Fridays at 14:00.


The lounge 2620(A)-02 is our main newspaper room. Here you may find various magazines and the following newspapers:

  • Financial Times
  • International Herald Tribune
  • Berlingske
  • Børsen
  • Politiken
  • Jyllands-Posten
  • Aarhus Stiftstidende
  • Kristeligt Dagblad
  • Information
  • Weekendavisen

In the lunch room 2632(L)-141 you may find extra copies of some of the Danish newspapers.

If you have any questions regarding the newspapers, you should contact Thomas Stephansen: