
We distinguish between ordinary and special holidays: You accrue 2.08 ordinary holidays for each month of employment in a year (the year of accrual), and 0.42 special holidays for each month of employment in a calendar year.

Ordinary holidays:

  • You earn 2.08 ordinary holidays per month = 25 days per year
  • Year of accrual: 1 September - 31 August
  • Year of spending: 1 September - 31 December (= 16 months)

Special holidays:

  • You earn 0.42 special holidays per month = 5 days per year
  • Year of accrual: 1 January - 31 December
  • Year of spending (the year after): 1 May - 30 April (= 12 months)

You are expected to take all 25 ordinary holidays and 5 special holidays. 

Read more about the holiday rules via AU HR’s holiday webpage

Registration of ordinary holidays

Earning and spending ordinary holidays on an ongoing basis means that you must check whether you have actually earned enough ordinary holidays when you want to take them. Therefore, according to AU guidelines, unless stated otherwise by the employee, ordinary holidays will be pre-registered automatically as follows:

  • 4 days during Christmas (20-31 December 2024)
  • 3 days during Easter (14-16 April 2025)
  • 3 weeks of summer holiday in July/August (14 July - 3 August 2025)
  • 3 days in the autumn (13-15 October 2025)

This is to make sure that all ordinary holidays are registered for all employees. If you do not wish to have your ordinary holidays pre-registered, please contact Betina Sørensen at stating when (dates) you would like to take your ordinary holidays. 

Registration of special holidays

Your five special holidays will be pre-registered for week no. 7 each year, but can be taken at any time during the year of spending. Write to and state the dates if you wish to alter the pre-registered dates.

Transfer or payment of holidays

As a general rule, the Department does not pay out neither ordinary nor special holidays.

Certain circumstances make it possible to apply for a transfer of max. 5 ordinary holidays and 5 special holidays, but such transfers call for special reasons and approval from the ECON management.

Forms to apply for transfer of remaining ordinary holidays or special holidays can be found via this link (under Holiday Forms):

Forms to apply for transfer of remaining holidays

Bearing in mind that the ordinary holidays may be taken until the end of the calendar year (although earned from September to September), approved transfers of ordinary holidays will be added to your account in late December.

Check your holiday balance

In order to check your holiday balance, go to and log in via two-step verification. This video will show you how to proceed: How to check your holiday balance

Any changes to the existing registration must be sent to - Changes made directly in mitHR will be declined.

Termination of employment and remaining holidays

Find information about the rules concerning termination of employment and holidays via this link: Termination of employment

More information

For more information about holiday rules, please see AU HR’s holiday website:


If you have any questions regarding holidays, please contact Betina Sø, office: 2632(L)-231, tel.:87 16 49 95.