
Guests/seminar speakers

If you wish to invite a guest or a seminar speaker, and the Department (or a grant) is expected to cover the expenses, please submit an application to the secretary of your section. The application must specify who the guest is, the time and purpose of the visit, and a budget for all expenses (travel, hotel, dinner etc.). The application must be submitted as soon as possible and always before the visit takes place.

You should contact the secretary of your section if you are expecting a guest who needs to use a guest office during his/her visit. Please make sure to notify the secretary of your section well in advance before the guest arrives so that the administration has enough time to find and set up an office for your guest.

If you wish to invite a PhD student from another university to the Department for a period of up to 6 months, the visit must be approved by the relevant head of section or research centre - Read more about guest PhD students here

Catering at meetings

The following rules apply when funding is provided by the Department:

Type of meeting/event Type of catering Remarks

Meeting with an external participant (e.g. a seminar guest, job candidate, guest lecturer, honorary doctor etc.), meeting in connection with the conclusion of committee work (incl. PhD assessment committees), academic events

Breakfast rolls, fruit, cake, lunch, dinner

Off-site catering, max. amounts (incl. 2 drinks):

Up to 2 internal people can participate or, alternatively, total expenses must not exceed the maximum amount.

Max. DKK 450 per person or max. DKK 1350 in total.

Max. DKK 800 per person or max. DKK 2400 in total.

On Campus:
If lunch is served at our premises, the number of internal participants is max. 3 persons per external guest.

See also AU’s general rules about entertainment expenses

Oral examination or defence in a course (including BA and MA thesis) Lunch

If several exams in a row.
The internal examiner is included

Semester evaluation meetings with students Cake, fruit or sandwich
Reception after a PhD defence

Light buffet, wine, beer and soft drinks

Department reception


Up to DKK 125 per person (incl. VAT)

There might be circumstances that call for an exception to the above rules. Those circumstances could be a celebration of some sort, e.g. to celebrate the achievement of a new grant. Another circumstance may be related to courses that require catering (e.g. Applied Economics (IEC) and Corporate Evaluation (Finansiering). The head of section has the decision-making authority.

For events funded by an external grant, the conditions of the grant apply and the grantee has the decision-making authority. The general university rules also apply.

Coffee/tea/water at meetings

Coffee and tea from the Department's hot drinks dispensers may be offered at all meetings. 

From the hot drinks dispensers in the lunch room 2632(L)-141 it is possible to fill up whole coffeepots, which you may bring to the meeting. Coffee pots can be found in the kitchen in the lunch room. Please remember to return the coffee pots to the kitchen after the meeting.